Adam Ulacha
Do³±czy³: 24 Lut 2007
Posty: 103
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Wys³any: Wto 11:14, 27 Lut 2007 Temat postu: Pora¿enie mózgowe i p³ywanie - z "drugiej" strony |
Jaki¶ czas temu znalaz³em w sieci list cz³owieka z pora¿eniem mózgowym, który opisuje swoje wra¿enia dotycz±ce p³ywania i ogólnie zajmowania siê swoim cia³em. List by³ dla mnie bardzo interesuj±cy i "buduj±cy" - dlatego go tutaj wklejam (jest do¶æ d³ugi no i.. po angielsku - ale chyba warto po¶wiêciæ chwilê czasu i poczytaæ).
JB's Post
I am a 53 yr. old male with cerebral palsy. I use crutches, a wheelchair and hand controls. I am a retired teacher. I have lived independently since college and swimming is one of the key factors in my independence.
I have a few axioms that influence my responses to the consequences of cerebral palsy. There are no western medical experts on dealing with the consequences of CP to Western medical physicians, receive only a few hours education in pain and pain management. Physicians seem totally dismissive about the pain which is a consequence of the contraction and contortion of CP. Unlike someone who is paralyzed our nervous systems are always on and sending messages. Western physicians attitudes remind me that denial isn't just a river in Africa. . Conventional western physical therapy is a waste of time and money. . Chiropractors are over promised and oversold they do not want to deal with soft tissue. If you have CP gravity is not your friend. Dealing with the consequences of CP is like trying to nail jello to a tree. If you have CP warm water swimming can be very good for you. The buoyancy factor of water can take the stress of gravity off your body. Swimming elongates muscle tissue. Almost anyone can do some type of modified elementary backstroke, with or without a flotation device.
I am a swimming junkie. I have been swimming over 20 years. Since 1981 I have swam between 800 and a thousand miles a year. That is a rate of three to four miles a day, five to seven days a week. Don't be intimidated, it took me 2 and 1\2 to 3 years to swim my first mile after that everything clicked. Warm water swimming improves my circulation, stamina, mobility and cheery attitude. I swim with a woman who can make a circular motion with one shoulder, the rest of her body seems to be immobile. She swims a mile three or four times a week. It takes her three hours to swim a mile. I swim a mile in about 45 minutes.
The temperature of the surface of your skin is 86 degrees. In the wintertime, if you have circulation problems, a water temperature of 84 degrees can feel cold and a water temperature of 87 degrees will feel warm. To stay warm in cold water, I wear an insulated kayak cap 95 percent of the year. If you have MS or post polio syndrome in you will require cooler or warmer water temperatures.
If you're in college see if your college has a pool. The YMCA and YWCA are excellent places to swim and they want to serve special needs populations. They also have exercise machines like Nautilus. Whirlpool's steam rooms and saunas. Talk to a swimming professional about learning to float on your back and some type of adapted elementary backstroke. I think it's easier to learn a stroke where you use both arms doing the same thing at the same time like the backstroke to or the breaststroke. Standard swimming instruction teaches at least three different strokes at the beginning. Try to gain proficiency in one stroke before you go one more complicated strokes like the freestyle. I was swimming a thousand miles a year elementary backstroke before I learned to swim freestyle. You may have to adapt a flotation device to your own needs and body confirmation. I don't use a flotation device swimming elementary backstroke. . However, when I swim freestyle I use a pair of Styro! foam swimming training buoys. Swimming buoys, are to Styrofoam cylinders attached by a rope or strap, that you hold between your thighs. They keep my legs from contracting underneath me when I swim on my face. Given that I am top-heavy and that my legs are small I use a small set of swimming buoys about six inches long.
If you have CP you may have problems with your sense of balance and hearing, therefore, wear earplugs the best earplugs for swimming are Mack's earplugs available at almost any chain drug store or grocery store. If you're sensitive to cold water or have poor circulation wear a swim camp. Goggles are also very useful but may not be necessary and beginning..
I use Nautilus exercise equipment at the YMCA for several purposes. I use very lightweights on the arm machines to improve my coordination. I use very lightweights one arm at a time. Everyone has a strong and a weak side, if you use both arms at the time your strong side will always be dominant. Using lightweights one arm at a time strengthens and improves coordination one your weak side. I use the Nautilus adductor____ machine as a stretching device for my back, hips and legs.
Physical therapy is a waste of time and money... I have been getting deep muscle and Chinese massage therapy for 14 years. It has helped me deal with consequences of CP far better than Western medicine. It's based on folk medicine and techniques going back 8 to 10,000 years. If you are a firm believer in Western medicine and or western religion alternative massage therapy is considered witchcraft. I knew from the very first session that deep muscle massage therapy was helping my hips. If you have CP your body is under constant contraction and contortion, alternative massage therapy can give relief to the can traction and contortion. A good certified massage therapist will teach you massage techniques and pressure points you can use on yourself. In the long run what you do for yourself will be more important than your massage sessions. I have a full set of bongers, T bars, S. Hooks and a heavy-duty massage machine. An example of alternative massage techniques: I overworked my arms swimming using crutches and a wheelchair which refers pain down my leg to my feet contracting my right leg and side. Western physical therapy would say stop swimming rest and get yourself electric wheelchair. My massage therapist works a my hands my feet and my ears and I can continue my lifestyle.
Stretching is very important for everyone long slow stretching. A good certified massage therapist will teach you a variety of stretching techniques. At the YMCA I use a steam room to do a long stretching routine. I heat up stretch and hose off with cold water and then I repeat the process about three times. The stretching the interaction between the hot steam and cold water gets the knots out of your body. The more you repeat the process to more your body will relax. The more you do therapy on yourself the better your results. It's great to have a positive response when you're body is going nuts due to the consequences of CP. There are all kinds of pressure points on your hands, feet and ears and other parts of your body that you can use to mitigate pain spasms contraction and contortion. Western physical therapy does not have a clue about stretching, range of motion, and muscle skeletal connections and problems. As a stated earlier to Western medicine considers Eastern and alternative massage techniques witchcraft. But Western medicine has no scientific evidence to backup the effectiveness of its surgical techniques for CP. Western medicine has no scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome. All the surgery may have done to mitigate the consequences of CP has been experimentation.
Yoga stretching and meditation are also useful. However, it was so painful to sit up straight because of the force gravity I could not meditate on land. When I became proficient and graceful swimming I learned to meditate in the water. Counting laps became my mantra. Now my swimming is my meditation I consider my backstroke my sleeping stroke I'm totally blissed out . In a 25 yard pool 4 miles is 144 laps my mantra is counting to 144. I consider a lap to be a round trip.
Other activities that can be done in a warm water swimming pool are walking and stretching. People are very surprised when they seem be a" walking" in the pool. I say sure," give me 4 feet of water and a flat bottom and I can „walk". Walking like that stretches the legs and gets the kinks out of the feet. Most pools have a handicap accessibility ladder, which is a portable set of steps with parallel handrails about 25 inches apart. I use this ladder as a stretching and stepping apparatus. To do stretches much like a runner.
Here are some other responses to the harsh reality of the consequences of CP. I sleep on a heated waterbed. It ain't easy to get up or down on a water bed it can be quite humorous but they are quite comfortable . If you have poor circulation and you don't have waterbed try putting a blanket under your bottom sheet thereby creating a sleeping bag effect.
I take potassium supplements, eat bananas and drink Gatorade to prevent muscle cramps and that achy feeling. I take calcium magnesium supplements to prevent spasms. . I do take some prescription drugs for pain and to sleep.
Cerebral palsy will affect different people different ways depending on what part of the brain is damaged and the severity of that damage. I would appreciate other peoples positive responses to the consequences of CP because I am always looking for positive responses to the harsh reality of CP.
Sincerely, JB.
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